Pencil Pledge
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The Pencil Pledge is a short chant we do to get fired up before getting on with independent work.
These are the words:
Teacher: Pencils ready!
Class: [Bang table with pencil 2 times and then shoot your arm in the air]
Teacher: This is my pencil!
Class: This is my pencil!
Teacher: There are many like it!
Class: There are many like it!
Teacher: But this is MYYYY pencil!
Class: But this is MYYYY pencil!
Teacher: And I use it to do…
Class: Maths!
Teacher: So today is our day!
Class: So today is our day!
Teacher: To. Do. More. And. Be. More.
Class: To. Do. More. And. Be. More.
Teacher: 1!
Class: 2!
Teacher: 3!
Class: Go!
Teacher: Go!
Class: Go!
Source – Thanks to Mr Kuumba for coming up with it originally.