#TMBlended – First ‘blended learning’ TeachMeet, London 11th July


What is #TMBlended?

This is the first ever TeachMeet event to focus on blended learning!

In the UK, there is a growing number of teachers who have thrown themselves into blended learning as a way to improve learning outcomes in their classes. Others have been dabbling tentatively and others are looking into it, trying to figure out whether it could work for them.

It’s time to get as many of these teachers together in a room, sharing what they’re doing.

Event Details
Address: King Solomon Academy, Penfold Street, London NW1 6RX (map)
Times: Arrive from 5pm for a 5:30pm start. We’ll finish by 7:30pm.

Refreshments will be provided

Teachers speaking

The following are confirmed:

Bruno Reddy – @mrreddymaths
Colin Hegarty –@hegartymaths
Dan Pearcy –@DanielPearcy

Presentation Rules
Thank you to @TeacherToolkit for these.

  • You MUST be a teacher!
  • You can use whatever presentation format you want including PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, SlideRocket, 280 slides, you could just talk, show something from the web, hold up a poster or do something different.
  • You can choose either a 3- or a 7-minute slot.

If you want to give a presentation, please fill in this short form:

If you want to come along, order your free ticket by clicking the Register button below.

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3 Replies to “#TMBlended – First ‘blended learning’ TeachMeet, London 11th July”

  1. I am so disappointed I can’t make it. I would love to have more contact with teachers who are following this approach as I am just embarking for the first time. Please post any presentations/videos afterwards so I can have a look/watch.

  2. Noooooo! I just found out about this. I would so have loved to come to this but my wife seems to think that taking her out on Date night is more important. *sigh*

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