PROMYS Summer Program for mathematically ambitious students – scholarships available

PROMYS is an intensive summer program for mathematically ambitious students – six weeks at Boston University followed by one week at Oxford University.

The Clay Mathematics Institute is fully funding the PROMYS participation of up to ten European students. The students will follow up their six weeks at PROMYS with participation in the one-week residential Oxford Masterclasses in Combinatorics, at Oxford University, England. There are no financial qualifications for eligibility. Students must be able to handle lectures and problem sets in English. Full scholarships (covering tuition, room and board, and airfare) for up to ten 16-18-year-old European students are on offer.

The dates are from June 30th to August 10th 2013 in Boston and August 11th-17th for the Oxford Masterclasses.

Details, a flyer, and an application form are available at

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