New dates for ‘Mastering Maths CPD for Heads of Department’

****************** SOLD OUT 4th/March/15 **************************
We’ll run another CPD day soon. Thanks to those who booked their places. We can’t wait to meet you!

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Good news! I am organising another CPD event at King Solomon Academy for Maths Heads of Department but this time we’ll be running the day twice on consecutive days.

Dates: Monday 16th March 2015 and Tuesday 17th March 2015

Venue: King Solomon Academy, Penfold Street, London, NW1 6RX


  • To observe the systems and routines that make the classroom environment fit for learning in an Ofsted-rated Outstanding school.
  • To understand the principles of cognitive psychology underpinning King Solomon Academy’s mastery curriculum and mastery approaches to teaching.
  • To expand our professional network by meeting Heads of Maths from around the country and sharing best practice within the group.


0715 – 0730          Registration
Please note that staff briefing is at 7.30am and the pupils begin arriving at 7.40am. We think it’s helpful to see the start of day routines but appreciate that arriving at that time may be difficult. Please aim to arrive as soon as you can.
0730 – 0815          Briefing, school tour and observe morning routines
0815 – 0945          Lesson observations 1

We will see a range of lessons in all subjects and keystages looking out for culture of learning, teaching strategies, consistency, routines and behaviour.

0945 – 1010          Q&A with Sam Dolan, Head of Mathematics
1010 – 1030          Break
1030 – 1130          Lesson observations 2
1130 – 1230          Curriculum Design, Kris Boulton

This session will provide a key insight into the latest research on working memory and how it has influenced our curriculum design and assessment.

1230 – 1300          Q&A with Max Haimendorf, Headteacher
1300 – 1330          Lunch
1330 – 1415          Building Automaticity, Bruno Reddy

This session looks at the maths procedures and knowledge that we want students to use fluently and retrieve automatically will offer the resources we use to achieve this.

1415 – 1515          Intelligent Practice, Bruno Reddy

Not all forms of practice are as effective as others. The session covers several teaching strategies that we have found make practising maths skills more effective.

1515 – 1600          Heads of Department Roundtable chaired by Sam Dolan

A chance to ask the Head of Maths peers the questions we cannot get answers to at our schools.

1600                       Depart

Please note exact timings may change at the last minute.


Max Haimendorf, Founding Headteacher of King Solomon Academy Secondary
Sam Dolan, Head of Maths
Kris Boulton, Deputy Head of Maths
Bruno Reddy, Head of Maths 2009-2014


First delegate from each school                                £145 + VAT
Each delegate thereafter from each school                 £95 + VAT


Is it a two-day training course?
It is a one-day course that is repeated on Tuesday 17th March. On the booking form below, please specify which date you would like to attend.

Can I still attend if I can’t get there by 7.20am?
Yes you can but please advise us if this is the case by emailing

Is it possible for more than two people from my school to attend?
Yes it is. Remember the day is aimed at Heads of Maths, seconds in department and SLT.
To request additional spaces, please email

What happens if I need to cancel?
Cancellations received by email ( by the end of Wednesday 11th March, will receive a refund or will not be charged. Cancellations received from Thursday 12th March or non-attendance will still be charged.

What if I am not a Head of Department or a maths specialist?
The day is specifically provided for Heads of Department to come together as a group of peers, learn from each other and learn from those in a similar role at King Solomon Academy. If your role is not at Head of Department level, please email to confirm whether the day will be suitable for you. We would be looking for decision makers in the maths department with experience to draw on in the conversations and training sessions.

Booking Form

Download and complete this booking form and send to

Booking form

You will then receive an invoice which must be paid within 14 days. Payment details will be on the invoice.

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