#OfstedMaths Twitterchat with Sean Harford and Jane Jones


This is the chance to ask two prominent Ofsted inspectors for answers to our questions on maths as it relates to inspections.

Send your questions in advance and/or vote for questions that others are already posing, by clicking here: http://tinyurl.com/OfstedMaths

And then remember to follow the #OfstedMaths hashtag on Thursday between 8 and 9pm.

We want primary teachers, headteachers, secondary and FE maths teachers, education organisations (particularly ones involved in maths) to be involved or in the ‘audience’.

This is a great opportunity

Over the last 12 months or so, we’ve seen some key shifts with Ofsted, particularly with their openness and willingness to listen, e.g. Mike Cladingbowl hosting eminent bloggers and tweeters, publication of the Myths document, bringing all inspectors in-house and doing away with lesson gradings. They’ve even got a pretty reasonable set of guidelines in the inspection handbook.

Despite this, at times and possibly for good reasons, Ofsted and the maths community can seem far apart, both with their back turned on the other. So I approached Ofsted and said I thought something needed to be done to bring the maths community and Ofsted closer together. To be fair to Ofsted, without hesitation they agreed to take part. Now it’s your turn to step forward.

Thursday’s chat is a great opportunity to engage positively with two very approachable inspectors and ask your questions. So that everyone can get more from the discussions, please refrain from using cynicism and general Ofsted-bashing-language. This is as close as you get to peace talks in education so enter into conversations with an open hand, ready to appreciate the work they do well. You can assume that Jane and Sean already hold you in high regard.


Ofsted and mastery of maths – direct from Jane Jones
Ofsted handbook maths section

Suggested topics for discussion

Training of inspectors on changes in maths
Mastery approaches to maths
Maths in primary, in secondary and in FE
What else? It’s up to you!

Send in a question

The link, again, to submit a question by 4pm on Thursday is http://tinyurl.com/OfstedMaths


Please help to get as many people there by sending a short email, Facebook update or tweet. Suggestions as follows:

Hi [name],

I thought you might be interested in the #OfstedMaths twitter chat happening this Thursday (18th June) between 8 and 9pm. Hosted by Bruno Reddy (@mrreddymaths), the chat will involve two Ofsted inspectors (@harfordsean and @janejoneshmi) answering questions on maths as it relates to school inspections.

You can submit your question by 4pm on 18th June (by clicking here: http://tinyurl.com/OfstedMaths) or you can simply vote for the questions that others have already submitted.

To find out more, visit Bruno Reddy’s post: http://mrreddy.com/blog/2015/06/twitterchat-ofstedmaths-with-sean-harford-and-jane-jones

There will be a summary of the chat posted on the same page by Sunday 21st.

Please forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested.

Many thanks,

[Your name]

This Thursday (18th June, 8-9pm) @MrReddyMaths is hosting a twitter chat with two prominent Ofsted inspectors on maths as it relates to inspections. Submit your questions by Thursday 4pm and find out more here http://mrreddy.com/blog/2015/06/twitterchat-ofstedmaths-with-sean-harford-and-jane-jones
Please share with all your education friends.

Submit #OfstedMaths questions to @harfordsean & @janejoneshmi by 4pm Thurs. http://tinyurl.com/OfstedMaths More info http://mrreddy.com/blog/2015/06/twitterchat-ofstedmaths-with-sean-harford-and-jane-jones Pls RT

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