Changes to Format/Administration Grades 8 to 1 (not corresponding to A* to G – aim is to even out the distribution more) Still tiered; still “overlapping” tiers but degree of overlap may well change Assessment by terminal examination only; minimum…
What is #TMBlended? This is the first ever TeachMeet event to focus on blended learning! In the UK, there is a growing number of teachers who have thrown themselves into blended learning as a way to improve learning outcomes in…
KSA Ofsted Report May 2013 Link to Ofsted page
Asked by @MsFindlater for some advice on getting going with flipped learning, I spontaneously came up with 10 things to check before taking the plunge. Check that… All or nearly all pupils have internet at home (or you’ve thought of…
Related links Times Tables Rock Stars Strategies for learning, understanding and remembering the times tables
Reposted from Put your maths skills to the test and win a sailing lesson with a double-gold Olympic medal winning sailor! If you think maths is done from behind a desk, think again! The Transversal Maths Challenge gives pupils…
What would Dan Meyer do with the #DanMeyerFacts tweets coming through in the last couple of days? Probably not this: #DanMeyerFacts | Create infographics Resources Download the #DanMeyerFacts archive
In my class I run a simple pupil-checking-pupil-work system. Pupil A completes work and puts hand up in shape of letter V (for ‘validate’). Specific training beforehand as to which fingers to use! Teacher, wearing Validator sign on the end…
Poetry slams, rap battles and Mock The Week all pit the sharpest minds with the sharpest tongues against other (well, two out of three do). Opponents must outdo each other through rounds of linguistic duelling, with escalating wit and dexterity.…
[slideshow_deploy id=’1177′] Some are poundlandtastic others are simply worth paying the extra for.
[embedplusvideo height=”224″ width=”350″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=dU1xS07N-FA&width=350&height=224&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep3894″ /] The short version of this short film has more than 10m views on YouTube Forget English, French and Spanish. Forget Arabic and Chinese. The language our pupils really need to know is computer…
[slideshow_deploy id=’1104′] Related Posts – Marking and rewarding progress
PROMYS is an intensive summer program for mathematically ambitious students – six weeks at Boston University followed by one week at Oxford University. The Clay Mathematics Institute is fully funding the PROMYS participation of up to ten European students. The…
When we started blended learning, life was good. My pupils began studying more independently and their work rate went up but it didn’t take me long to realise there was something missing to sustain their productivity – they needed their…
For the blended learning work I have been doing, I set up a little recording station and try to blast through a sequence of short videos in a row. It takes a bit of time to set up the equipment…
Links Journalist – Peter Gothard – Education section
To celebrate World Maths Day today, we decided to set a world record for the largest number of people rolling numbers! We had the year 3s, 4s, 5s, 7s, 8s and a handful of year 9s plus staff and visitors…
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone in the class could recall a multiplication fact up to 12 × 12 in less than 3 seconds? That’s my goal and I’ve nearly accomplished it for the third year in a row. It…
Let’s get this out of the way up front. I’m brand agnostic. I use Microsoft, Apple and Google products every day. I enjoy using their hardware and their software for professional and for personal purposes. This is not an Apple…
After umpteen conversations explaining the meaning of flipped learning to people, I decided to coin a term that does what it says on the tin. No prizes for rolling off the tongue but you’re welcome to suggest something slicker in…
Newsnight used footage of their September visit to King Solomon Academy “as an example of a school that already works to ensure all pupils progress.” Thank you Sanchia Berg! [embedplusvideo height=”337″ width=”550″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=JMqQSDIipdg&width=550&height=337&start=32&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1947″ /] Related posts Times Table…
Links to stands mentioned: Lego Mindstorms BrainPop Whizz Education Oxford University Press Cambridge University Press Mathletics Wordwall
Nine lucky students out of 30 hopeful pupils have been lucky enough to accompany Mr. Reddy while he was representing Aaron Sam’s and Jonathan Bergmanns’s flipped learning style of teaching at Bett. Those nine lucky children were Saba, Maria, Badr, Rami, Fatima, Mazen, Nuhaa, Omar and…
Today we threw paper aeroplanes in my year 7 lessons and it was a lot of fun! Underlying all the fun, however, was a serious competition and competitions must have winners. To win fairly you probably need to throw more…
[embedplusvideo height=”253″ width=”400″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=uykOrQvC4Mw&width=400&height=253&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep3804″ /] I am a teacher in the KSA Maths Department and I have just finished 2 weeks on Circle Theorems with my year 10 class. One of the philosophies of the KSA Maths department…
Once upon a time there was a king who lived in a castle on an island in the middle of a spectacular blue lake. So starts a ‘true story’ I invented to mask the introduction of a new maths topic.…
This was filmed for AQA’s Better Maths website. If you’re wondering whether I could have spoken more slowly, the answer is yes.
[embedplusvideo height=”376″ width=”620″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=AE1BzvVFJiU&width=620&height=376&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep5167″ /]
Google: “Can we come in and see how you’re getting on with all the Chromebooks?” Mr Reddy: “Sure, when would you like to come?” Google: “How about Wednesday 14th November?” Mr Reddy: “OK but we’ll have only been using them…
I’ve just come back from a study trip to the States to see blended learning in action (see Rocketship and Arthur Ashe). One of the many things I learned was that classroom culture around the computers is everything and from…
You can display them on the screen or print them back to back. Every second page is the ‘answer’ or flipside to the odd numbered pages. Hope that makes sense! e.g. on one side it might show a shape and…
We ran four parent information events to ensure that families understood the changes to their children’s maths studies as a result of Project 24. Presentation from me Here are the slides I used: Thank you to Jaime Casap who put…
[embedplusvideo height=”241″ width=”380″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=AcYTz19HduU&width=380&height=241&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep3438″ /] Today I had the pleasure of visiting one of the reknowned Rocketship schools. They were incredibly hospitable, the pupils were working hard, and the instructors answered all my hundreds of questions. Thanks to…
[embedplusvideo height=”241″ width=”380″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=5mqih8pl264&width=380&height=241&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep7192″ /] A couple of colleagues* and I have been fortunate enough to spend the last few days in New Orleans at the Virtual Schools Symposium – yes, we have very supportive line managers! While…
With a one-to-one computer initiative, a blended learning plan in the oven* and a team of people involved from KSA, ARK and Google, the scale of things has gone from one-man-and-a-class to this-thing-needs-a-name level. I’m a big fan of word…
On the back of my Time-Shifted Teaching trial last year, we’re going ahead with a larger scale pilot of blended learning this year. I found that there were a number of barriers to time-shifted teaching, including pupils’ access to computers…
At KSA, we teach maths in mixed ability groups all the way through Keystage 3 (ages 11-14) and I now think it’s one of the smartest decisions we ever made. When I was appointed Head of Maths, before the school…
I enjoyed my year 7 lessons today and thought I’d share some photos and the resources. You can see blocks, an abacus, a card arrangement task, a ‘washing line’ and pupils making a number up at the front. Resources are…